Master Baiter

Master Baiter
These are the words "From My Wife!!"

Sunday, October 9, 2011

09 October 2011 Kayak turtle & recovery practice at HRBT!

First I'd like to apologize for not posting up here more frequently!  I was TAD out of country for awhile and then had to get caught up with honey-do's and other odd stuff.  But enough of that!

So after following Charlie Bruggeman andJustin's blog's for awhile, I decided to jump into this thing called kayak fishing.  I was and still am overwhelmed with all the cool goodies you can get and use for kayak fishing.  But I believe in the KISS (keep it simple stupid) program so this will be a work in progress and I will let my fishing adventures determine what I need or want!

After having my kayak for a little while now with about 5 trips on the water, I saw a post on TKAA about a safety training for kayakers.  I thought this would be a great time to learn and practice some lifesaving drills and meet other kayaker's in the area.  I wasn't disappointed!

We learned to right a kayak if you flip over.  How to get back in, and how to help others if they are having problems.  It was also a chance to check my dry suit out for leaks.

All in all a great afternoon!

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